
Livelihoods: crises have different impacts on the access by women, girls, men and boys to livelihoods, including the resources, assets, opportunities and strategies that people use to make a living. Crises can result in women taking on more unpaid care work; this can decrease their access to livelihood opportunities. Besides, negative social norms and discriminatory laws and practices, such as the prohibition of women’s land ownership, may impede women’s ability both to work outside the home and to generate an income.
Thus, our livelihoods strategy is aim to build self-reliance and productive capacity amongst both women and men by strengthening their capacities, assets and strategies they need to make a living. Livelihoods programs include non-formal education, skills training, income-generating activities, cash programing (such as food-for-work programs), enterprise development, village savings and loan associations and microcredit, among others.